Mike Zaneis to Serve as CEO, Jules Kendrick as Managing Director UK & Europe, for Consolidated Organization under TAG...

    TAG UK Fraud Snapshot Conducted by The 614 Group Finds 76 Percent Less IVT in TAG Certified Channels vs. UK Industry...

    Asia-Pacific Fraud Snapshot Conducted by The 614 Group Finds 91 Percent Less Fraud in TAG Certified Channels vs....

    Beijing & Washington DC  

    Program Reaches New Peak of 125 Recertifying Companies Receiving 164 Recertified Seals Across TAG’s Four Program Areas


    More than 80% of Consumers Say They Would Reduce/Stop Purchases of Products That Advertised Near Extreme or Dangerous Content
    Number of Recertified Companies Nearly Triples from 37 to 102 Over Prior Year, Total Recertified Seals More Than Double from...
    Project Brand Integrity Will Alert Advertisers When Ads Run on European Pirate Sites; Similar Initiative in US Reduced Ads...