TAG in the News

Asia Today: Nasmedia achieves TAG brand safety certification... Korean company's first

Written by admin | June 28, 2023

[Translated via Google Translate from original Korean]

KT Group's digital marketing platform company Nasmedia announced on the 23rd that it has obtained the TAG brand safety certification mark for the first time in Korea from TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group).

The purpose of the TAG Brand Safety program is to give advertisers peace of mind when purchasing digital advertising space by ensuring that certified companies take necessary safety measures to protect their brands.

TAG Brand Safety certification is the most prestigious global brand safety certification program in the advertising industry, and global companies such as Google and Facebook have also obtained the certification.

Nasmedia, which has been conducting advertising safety programs to enhance advertisers' brand trust and transparency in the field of digital advertising, has been recognized for its activities so far with this global certification.

In order to obtain TAG Brand Safety certification, Nasmedia went through a high-level audit process across policies, training procedures, back-end systems, and monitoring tools.