
TAG Today - September 2022

In this month's newsletter:




Don’t Get Stuck on the Waitlist - RSVP Today for TAG’s “State of the Fight” Briefing!

By now, TAG members should have received your invitation for the 2022 “State of the Fight” Briefing on October 19. This is our exclusive members-only update on TAG’s progress made to date, challenges on the horizon, and plans for the future.

For more information about the event, reach out to us on info@tagtoday.net

TAG Promotes Key Security Practices for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help individuals and businesses protect themselves from digital threats of all kinds. As an organization dedicated to fighting criminal activity in digital advertising, TAG is proud to be a Cybersecurity Awareness Champion and support this online safety and education initiative.

While TAG members are well versed in threats involving the advertising supply chain, like ad fraud, malvertising, and ad-supported piracy, Cybersecurity Awareness Month offers an important focus on taking action to protect the security of both our companies and our personal technologies - computers, devices and networks - from criminal activity.  TAG does this by promoting important security practices and key information for members of the digital advertising community. While there are a wide range of more advanced security practices to stay safe online, taking the following four steps is the most important starting point:  

  1. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication
  2. Use Strong Passwords and a Password Manager
  3. Update Your Software
  4. Recognize and Report Phishing

Throughout the month of October, TAG will continue to share cybersecurity best practices across social media and will host a special session illuminating how cybercriminals exploit the digital advertising supply chain at our flagship event, the State of the Fight in New York on October 19h

We also encourage members of the TAG Community to sign up Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champions - either as organizations or individuals. After signing up, you’ll receive a toolkit of free resources, including simple steps you can take to #BeCyberSmart.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is co-led by the National Cybersecurity Alliance and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA). For more information about ways to stay safe online visit https://staysafeonline.org/cybersecurity-awareness-month/ and https://www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month


Spread the Word!  TAG Video Highlights Brand Safety Certified Program

brand safety squad

This month, TAG released the first in an educational series of videos to highlight and explain our certification programs to a broader audience. Our first video highlights the TAG Brand Safety Certified program. You can view the Brand Safety Certified video here, and stay tuned for highlight videos on TAG’s other certification programs!

TAG on the Dais: DMEXCO | ATS Singapore | AllThatMatters | Advertising Week | Brand Safety Week

Team TAG continued its 2022 world tour with stops in September at DMEXCO in Cologne, Germany, ExchangeWire’s ATS Singapore, and AllThatMatters in Singapore, all of which provided  compelling content and a wide range of opportunities to meet with members of the TAG community.

Coming up next: Advertising Week in New York from October 17-20, TAG’s State of the Fight Briefing on October 19, and Brand Safety Week in New York from November 1-3.

Please let us know if you’ll be attending these or any other upcoming industry events, so we can connect in person!

TAG Team Spotlight: Vanessa Goff-YuCannes_VGY

Vanessa Goff-Yu on a panel at Cannes this year, with Adverty (TAG Members), Festival of Media/GameFace and VCCP

1) What is your role at TAG?

I’m the Marketing and Comms Director at TAG… What does that mean for TAG Members? It means that I work with TAG Members amplify and fully leverage their TAG achievements in their marketing message, including working with the member company’s Marketing and PR team on press releases, social posts, content and more. 

2) What stands out to you about the work you do or have done at TAG?

I’m always impressed how TAG is constantly evolving our standards and products, together with the TAG community, to ensure relevancy in all TAG touchpoints. 

3) What fun fact about you would surprise your TAG friends and colleagues?

I like to propagate succulents and watch gaming content (as in video gaming) online. I especially love watching my husband game at home… It’s one of my favourite entertainment pastimes.

TAG In The News

From “Malware on Pirated Content Sites a Major WFH Risk for Enterprises” in DarkReading:

“A joint investigation by the consumer-oriented Digital Citizens Alliance, piracy and brand protection firm White Bullet, and security firm 221B found that most pirate sites generate a substantial portion of their revenues from serving malware-infused ads on the systems of users who visit them. …

“One of the most significant efforts to reduce revenues from legitimate ads for pirate site owners is being spearheaded by a group called the Trustworthy Accountability Group, according to the joint report: ‘As those efforts have succeeded in reducing revenue from legitimate advertisers, pirate operators appear to be increasingly turning to malvertising facilitated by the bottom feeders of the advertising ecosystem,’ the report noted.”

One more thing...

🧑🏻‍💻👨🏼‍💻👩🏽‍💻 - Leverage TAG Research into Your Everyday!

From APAC Fraud Snapshot reports, to UK Brand Safety Consumer reports, to Best Practices whitepapers, TAG's research is here to support our member's day-to-day compliance as well as strategic planning. 

Visit our Data and Insight page 👉 tagtoday.net/insights

📣📣📣 - Let's Make Some Noise Together 🤝

We love it when TAG members highlight our work together to fight digital ad crime and improve transparency. Please send any TAG-related press releases, blogs, or other announcements to Andrew Weinstein at andrewwstn@gmail.com for review before release.


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